From our Security Officers and our Door Supervisors to our Parking Attendants & Enforcement Officers, we understand that we have a role in both public & private domains, providing clients and their customers with specialists & safeguarding officers.
We are as transparent as possible, therefore we are glad to disclose our 4 step compliance plan.
Stage One: Pre-Employment
All of our employees are screened by the SIA standard BS7858 standard.
The BS7858 Standard Includes:
Digital Biometric Right to Work Check
Identification Verification
Address Verification
Consumer Credit Search
Global sanction’s and PEP Checks
Directorship Check
HMRC 5 Years NI Contributions Check
SIA Licence Verification
5 Years history verification
31 day employment gaps verified by documented evidence
We also perform additional checks such as:
Social Media Checks
DBS Enhanced Checks
BPSS (depending on the client)
Stage Two: In-House Compliance
Our In-House Compliance Team performs regular unannounced site vists to ensure:
- SIA Licensed Operatives are displaying their SIA Licenses.
- Parking & Enforcement Officers have their ID either on display or on their persons.
- Uniform is correctly worn.
- Paperwork is correctly filled out.
Our Proactive Compliance Officer ensures that we deter the following activites from our company:
- Non-Licensed Indiviuals Using Fake Licenses
- Non-Licensed Individuals Using Someone Elses License
- Licensed Individuals Breaching A Part of Thier License
We use the SIA Business Portal to conduct weekly checks on our SIA Licensed Operatives to ensure their licenses are valid & they are not in breach of any conditions.
If our Proactive Compliance Officer does discover any of the following issues, we will suspend the individual and make a referal to the relevant body. We have a zero tollerance policy towards non-compliant & unlicensed operatives. We take responsibility & the roles we perform seriously.
Stage Three: Mystery Shoppers
Sometimes, we use an external third party team for our "Mystery Shoppers", they provide us with site visit information and sometimes will provide us with information relating to interactions or observations that can help us become more effective.
Stage Four: Licensing & Compliance Authorities
From time to time, we recieve unannounced visits from Local Authority, the Security Industry Authority, Local Policing Authorities & the British Parking Association.
They ensure that we are complying with licensing conditions and the BPA Code of Conduct.
Statistics From 2024:
Stage Two Checks: 3
Stage Three Verified Checks: 5
Stage Three "Mystery Shopper" Satifaction Rating: 100%
Stage Four Checks: 0
Employee Referals to the Security Industry Authority: 0
Employee Referals to Policing Bodies: 0
Statistics From Business Opening:
Stage Two Checks: 3
Stage Three Verified Checks: 5
Stage Three "Mystery Shopper" Satifaction Rating: 100%
Stage Four Checks: 0
Employee Referals to the Security Industry Authority: 0
Employee Referals to Policing Bodies: 0